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SNU Spiritual Healing

Wolverhampton Spiritualist Church
Provides Weekly Healing Services on Tuesdays & Sundays from:

Tuesday 2.00pm – 3.15pm and 7.00pm – 8.15pm

Sunday 4.45pm – 5.45pm

Our SNU Healing Mediums carry out healing in accordance with the philosophy and teachings of Spiritualism. All SNU Healing Mediums are subject to the rules and regulations of the SNU’.  They work in accordance with the ‘SNU Healing Code of Conduct’ and ‘Healing and the Law’ both ‘issued by the SNU.

The Spiritualists’ National Union (SNU) defines Spiritual Healing as ‘a form of healing by the use of forces and energies from God channelled through the world of spirit and the healing medium by: the laying on of hands on the body; prayer; or direction of thought from a distance’.  Therefore, the Healing Medium is the conduit for the healing energy.

They undertake practical and theoretical training over at least one year and then sit a Final Assessment Board .

There is a tendency for people to think that Spiritual Healing is effective only owing to the faith or belief of the person requesting this form of healing. This is not true.  Spiritual Healing requires no faith or belief whatsoever on the part of the person seeking healing. Nor is it necessary for a person to have the same belief as that of the Healing Medium administering the healing. For example, a child, animal or someone in a coma does not know what faith or belief is – and yet they receive, and can benefit from Spiritual Healing in the same way as anyone else. The only requirements that are helpful are that a person should be aware of their own well-being and that they continue any medical treatment that has been prescribed for them by their GP, as Spiritual Healing is a complementary therapy.  

The actual healing itself is one of a spiritual nature and this has an effect on all levels: mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. The Healing Medium often has no prior knowledge of the patient’s state of health or why the patient has come for treatment, yet often the healing is beneficial to that condition. 

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The SNU recognises three methods of Healing: 

Contact Healing
Where the Healing Medium seeks permission to place their hands on to the patient, while ensuring there is no cause for embarrassment. 

Distant Healing
Where healing is sent by the power of thought to someone who is physically present but is not receiving contact healing.

Absent Healing
Where the patient is not physically present and healing thoughts are extended to them. Patients requesting Spiritual Healing are advised to ensure that they are consulting an SNU Spiritualist Healing Medium, who holds an up to date Accreditation card, issued by the SNU, which certifies their name, registration number photograph and renewal date of registration. 

Everyone is welcome through our doors to receive Spiritual Healing regardless of gender, race, or creed.

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